Infant Sleep Specialist and Consultant

I am a mother of 5 children of my own, with the youngest being triplets. I find immense joy in working with infants and it is my passion to help new mothers and their newborns navigate their journey through the beginning of life together. Newborns are a blessing to a new family, as well as an introduction to one of the hardest jobs in life: parenting. Often times new mothers feel overwhelmed and confused and don’t know who to turn to for help. I know, because I’ve been there!
One of the most precious resources to new parents is sleep. Sleep for their new baby, as well as sleep for themselves. Without a proper sleep regime new parents often find themselves incredibly stressed and often emotionally exhausted. My expertise will help provide the right amount of support so you and your family can spend more time creating memories and enjoying being in one another’s presence and less time fretting in the middle of the night.
I have worked with a plethora of newborns and I have many, many years of both personal and professional experience crafting the perfect sleep schedules to help babies learn to sleep soundly throughout the night.
My Philosophy
I adamantly believe that infants respond the best to the most simple and gentle techniques. They thrive under a schedule of consistency and have the best sleep in an environment that promotes peace and serenity.
I also believe that each family is unique with their own set of situations and standards. Flexibility is an upmost priority when caring for families and all of my families can rest assured that I am sensitive to their needs while highly structured to provide the best schedule for their little one.
The key to a household that sleeps peacefully at night is the development and upkeep of healthy habits and the use of specific, routine sleeping techniques. Habits that children form during infancy will follow them as they grow and set the foundation for a lifetime of quality sleep.

A Message from Angela
As a devoted mother of 5, with my youngest being triplet boys, I know all too well how exhausting and helpless new parents often feel when trying to care for their new little ones. My dedication to the families that hire me comes from my extensive knowledge in infant behaviors as well as my steadfast belief that I am doing what God has called me to do.
I have been working as a night nanny and sleep consultant for the past 7 years. My passion for helping families develop healthy and sustainable sleep habits began after the birth of my triplets.
I have worked with numerous infants through the years and love seeing them grow and have siblings. I have experience with singletons, twins and triplets. I have worked with babies with severe reflux, preemies, and babies that have come home on monitors and oxygen. I am CPR/AED certified and First Aid certified.
Using a child’s biological sleep rhythms together with a consideration for the unique needs of every child and their family’s lifestyle – We can create customized, easy to follow sleep plans designed to help families become well rested.